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  • We Found a New Place to Stay

    Posted on October 3rd, 2017 chp No comments

    This is a really nice place and I certainly could not have afforded to live here if I had not gotten really lucky. In fact I knew that I needed to find a new place to live and I was getting ready to start looking for a new Jackson apartments, but it pretty much found me first. I went to this party and there I ran into this guy that I knew. I was walking in this place and he was walking out, on his way out on a date. We talked for a couple of minutes and he asked me if I knew of anyone that needed two roommates. It was a bit of a surprise to me, but he gave me his number and later on he showed me the place. It was a three bedroom apartment in a luxury apartment complex and the guy that was moving out was still there. He had been transferred to New York City. At any rate the place is really great and I getting ready to move in as soon as they are ready.

    In fact the rent for me is going to be a good deal less than what I am paying for a far less nice apartment. I have been living alone because I got tired of having roommates that did not do what they were there to do. They call what I have now a studio apartment, which means that it is not much of a place. The location was good when I was in college and I liked it for the reason that you could walk to a dozen bars or to half a dozen decent places to get something to eat. Obviously if you are going to drink a few beers it is a lot better not to get behind the wheel.

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