Cosmetics, Face, skin, whitening
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  • I Saved Money by Installing My Own Cameras

    Posted on April 18th, 2019 chp No comments

    I knew that I wanted to get a CCTV IP camera but I had no idea where to purchase it. I had called a number I had seen on a TV commercial, but I quickly hung up after hearing the price just for a very basic security system. I know that it costs money, but the price I was given was outrageous, for the lack of a better word. I have helped my brother install various things at his house with wiring, and I figured it could not be that much different to run cables for this type of system.

    I decided to go online and see if I could just buy the equipment outright, knowing I could get help from my brother with installing it if need be. Read the rest of this entry »

  • Fair complexioned women are aware of the fact that most indian men blindly believe their lies

    Posted on March 16th, 2019 admin No comments

    Fair complexioned women like the google, tata sponsored gujju sex service provider school dropout cbi employee housewife naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh are aware of the fact that most powerful indian men will blindly believe their complete lies just because they are fair complexioned and have a flawless skin.
    The gujju fraud housewife naina chandan knows that she and her lazy fraud sons, karan, nikhil are not spending any money on domains at all and are least interested in doing so, in future also.
    Yet just because she is fair complexioned, she is aware of the the great power she has over the most powerful intelligence and security agency employees in India like parekh, parmar, nikhil sha. So she was openly boasting in panaji, that top officials will blindly believe her complete lies, mainly because she is fair complexioned, in a clear indication of the blatant racism in India.

  • My Company Was Broken into

    Posted on March 11th, 2019 chp No comments

    When I was called in the middle of the night by the alarm company that monitors my company, I knew it was going to be something bad. It was the first time they had ever called me in the middle of the night. They had told me that the police had already been summoned, so I met them at my company’s site where I learned someone had tried to break in. As soon as I saw the front door, I looked up security door repairs in Brisbane because I knew that I would not be able to leave the door in the shape it was in.

    The police had arrived in time to arrest the two men who were trying to break into my business, but they had not arrived in time to stop the damage that was done to the property. Read the rest of this entry »

  • Now fairskinned gujju ca's bespectacled daughter making fake claims of online work

    Posted on February 15th, 2019 admin No comments

    Though the gujju community in goa is small, some of them like parekh, nikhil, parmar, are the greatest liars and frauds in the world, beating the nigerian fraudsters in their endless frauds. Most gujju women get married early, after their education, and are only looking after their family and house, they do not have any income or professional income of their own , they have high social status if they do so. It is shocking that the goan mainstream media considers these BANKING, REAL ESTATE FRAUDSTER gujju officials to be respectable when it can be legally proved that they shameless LIARS AND CHEATERS

    However in a clear case of defamation, cheating and exploiting the greedy shameless gujju cheater officials led by the ruthless cheater and liar parmar, nikhil, parekh are falsely claiming that various lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced microchipped gujju housewives with no professional income,experience no computer of their own, who are not spending any time doing computer work own the bank, paypal account of a single woman engineer, to get the various microchipped gujju housewives great powers, cbi jobs and other privileges at the expense of the engineer.

    Earlier the shameless greedy gujju liars parmar, parekh, nikhil were promoting the gujju school dropout cbi employee housewife naina, who looks like actress sneha wagh. Now that the fraud of promoting naina, and her sons, nikhil, karan, is exposed, the shameless greedy gujju fraudsters are now duping people with their complete lies promoting the light eyed wife of a CA in panaji, goa, falsely claiming that she owns the bank, paypal account of a single woman bhandari engineer, domain investor and google competitor, when there is no professional connection at all

    After these microchipped gujju housewives and young gujju fraudster brothers nikhil, karan, were exposed,it appears that the pathological LIAR FRAUD gujju officials parmar, parekh, nikhil and others are now falsely claiming that the bespectacled short fairskinned ca’s daughter, studying in don bosco, wearing a plait, who does not oil her hair, and does not do any computer work at all, is working online in another of shameless fraud gujju communities attempt to defame the domain investor, engineer and paypal account holder

    The fairskinned ca’s daughter is a look alike of the indore document robber R&AW employee deepika who has stolen the identity of the robber housewife veena. On 15 February 2019, in a clear indication that the gujju fraudsters are stalking the domain investor, as soon as the domain investor left her house, they sent the fairskinned ca’s daughter to the fruit seller, to purchase fruits. It clearly indicates that the gujju fraudsters are now duping the customers of the domain investor,engineer, that fairskinned ca’s daughter who is not spending any time, is doing work, in another example of the endless frauds of the gujju identity theft gang in goa

    The gujju officials are clearly banking fraudsters and liars, when they are making these fake claims, yet the intelligence and security agencies falsely claim that they are credible sources, An open question to the liar gujju officials, lazy greedy gujju housewives,sons and daughters,. intelligence and security agency employees in goa, why do these gujju housewives,sons, daughters, not open their paypal, bank account legally, offer services to customers outside india, why are they falsely claiming to own the bank account of a single woman engineer, continuing with their BANKING FRAUD for more than 9 years.

  • Dispensers for facewash not properly designed

    Posted on January 31st, 2019 admin No comments

    Those with a oily skin like the domain investor legally owning this website, require a facewash frequently since their face is covered with oil quickly, especially in goa. However the facewashes available are usually not designed with proper packaging,

    The facewash top is pressable, and there is a tube in the facewash liquid
    The facewash does not come out easily when pressing the top of the container, wasting the time of the user

    In other cases the pressable cover has separated and disappeared, allegedly stolen by the local intelligence and security agencies, so the tube is used as a dispenser for extracting a small amount of facewash periodically.

  • Removing blackheads and whiteheads from the cheek remains difficult

    Posted on November 23rd, 2018 admin No comments

    One of the biggest problems faced by those who have oily skin, is that they get a lot of blackheads and whiteheads, since oil, dirt, sebum in the pores of their skin, clogs the pores
    In case of blackheads on the chin or nose, it is easier to remove the blackhead
    However there is some amount of fat below the skin in the cheek area, so it is difficult to extract the blackhead
    Vicco turmeric cream is being applied daily
    Roop mantra cream is also being applied, however it has no effect
    If the person will try to squeeze the area around the blackhead, the skin is likely to get damaged
    There is a good market for removing blackheads which are just below the skin.
    So despite doing everything possible, the blackhead is not getting dislodged

  • Women who marry as teenagers, have better skin compared to other mothers, women

    Posted on October 30th, 2018 admin No comments

    One of the longest running ads on television shows that people are surprised to find out a woman with beautiful skin, is a mother of a daughter. However the fact remains that women who marry early, as teenagers, become mothers at a young age
    These women like the google, tata sponsored kolhapur born school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina, mother of two sons, who looks like actress sneha wagh usually do not have a career, are financially dependent on their husband. These women have no tension, other than looking after their family and house.
    On the other hand, a woman who has worked for a decade before getting married and having children, will naturally have worse skin compared to a woman who has married when she was a teenager.
    So discriminating or mocking women just because they do not have perfect or young looking skin, is a clear case of lookism, discrimination

  • Even small chidren feel discriminated because of their dusky complexion in India

    Posted on September 30th, 2018 admin No comments

    In many families in India, the mother is fair complexioned, and the father will have a swarthy complexion
    Unfortunately, the daughter inherits the dusky complexion of her father, while the son is fair complexioned.
    In recent years the discrimination against those who are not fair complexioned has increased in India.
    Also the beauty of girls and women, especially their complexion is their most important quality, everything else does not matter.
    The obvious discrimination in India, is affecting small children also.
    A 5 year old girl was asking her mother, why she was not fair complexioned, like her younger brother, who was extremely popular, indicating that people are extremely brazen in discriminating.
    In contrast, in western countries, a tan is highly admired, with people spending a lot of money to acquire a tan.

  • Sunscreens do not dissolve easily

    Posted on August 5th, 2018 admin No comments

    While sunscreens may help in reducing tanning to some extent, one of the main problems faced is that they do not dissolve quickly.
    Even if a small amount of sunscreen is applied, it will form a thick white layer on the skin
    If the user is in a hurry, and does not check in the mirror, they will not be aware of the fact that the lotion is still visible
    Only when some one who sees them, will notice and comment on it, does the person realize that the lotion is not dissolved, and she has to rub it to get it dissolved.
    A quick dissolving sunscreen will be greatly appreciated.

  • Eating mangoes is a quick way to improve skin tone

    Posted on June 5th, 2018 admin No comments

    Though mangoes are usually expensive, costing Rs 10 or more for a single mango, eating mangoes is one of the easiest way of improving the skin tone, and looking fairer. Eating 3 or 4 mangoes in a day is the safest and most natural way of improving the skin tone
    Most people, especially those with a sweet tooth like eating mangoes
    So during summer, the temperatures are high, and people get tanned in the sun more often, however eating plenty of mango can make a person look a few tones fairer, have honey colored skin
    Totapuri mangoes are not very effective in improving the skin tone, however other varieties of mangoes are very effective. Carotene is known to improve the skin tone, and mangoes like other brightly colored fruits makes the skin look fairer.